About Us

Southern California Nix User Group Logo

We are the Southern California Nix Users Group, a community of people passionate about using Nix to build and manage their software.

Whether you are new to Nix or an experience Nix user, come by one of our meetups to learn more and share what you know.



Daniel Baker

Co-founder of the SoCal Nix Users Group. Member of the Nix marketing team. Organizer for NixCon NA. Wants to spread Nix to the world.

David Nuon

Co-founder of the SoCal Nix Users Group. Organizer for NixCon NA.

Rob Hernandez

Co-founder of the SoCal Nix Users Group. Organizer for NixCon NA. Nixpkgs maintainer.

Tristan Ross

Low level programmer, OS/Zig/Linux dev, Nixpkgs contributor (LLVM). Likes to watch 大空スバル (Subaru Oozora).