Looking back on the little NUG that could

We started the Southern California Nix Users Group (SNUG) in 2023.

It's been a year since then and we've come a long way. Here's a look back at the journey we've taken.

March 2023

Southern California Linux Expo 20x

Dan, Daniel and Ben (not pictured) got roped into boothing at SCALE for the Nix booth.

After meeting some enthusiastic users from around the region, they started talking about starting a Nix meetup in Southern California.
April 2023
Cool Guys from SCaLE
  1. Dan You guys wanna start a NUG??
  2. Rob Hell yeah, let's make it happen
  3. David lets gooooooooo

A dramatic reenactment of how the SNUG was born

Some time later...

#socal-nug:matrix.org created

May 2023

The First SNUG

We held the first SNUG in 23/b Hackerspace in Fullerton

socal-nug.com registered

Months later...

A Year of SNUGs

March 2024

SCaLE 21x and NixCon NA 2024

SCaLE 21x and NixCon NA 2024 was a blast! We met many Nix users from around the area.
April 2024
40+ members in Matrix

SNUG #5: Largest SNUG to date!

Despite the rain and cloudy weather, our group's sunny disposition shone through.
June 2024

One Year of SNUG

As they say, time flies when you're having fun. When we first started the group, we were expecting the same 4 people attending each time.

But after one year, we've come quite a ways. Here's to another year of SNUG!
Join us for the anniversary SNUG!

NUG #6

Long Beach City College, Liberal Arts Campus

14:00 - 17:00